
Shea Clark Smith / MEG, Inc.
President and Geochemist
Shea Clark Smith
Mr. Smith has over 35 years of experience in applied mineral exploration geochemistry, starting in 1977 with a MSc. from the Colorado School of Mines. He directed geochemical projects and geochemical research for Houston Oil & Minerals, Phillips Petroleum / Strategic Minerals Division, American Selection Trust, and British Petroleum (Minerals Division) / Kennecott. In 1984 he founded Minerals Exploration & Environmental Geochemistry. Throughout, the underlying focus has always been on methods that detect blind mineralization through several tens to hundreds of feet of barren overburden. As a result, he has been involved with hundreds of projects in the desert southwest, including Nevada, Arizona, California, Utah, Mexico, and Alaska. Many concluded in mineral discovery. The preferred geochemical methods in these arid environments have proven to be phytogeochemistry and soil gas geochemistry. More recently, he has taken these methods into blind fairway geothermal exploration, and community water resource development.